Tack till alla våra trogna sponsorer som stöttar och håller Rejsa rullande
24-timmars 2005 - rapporter från dem som var där
6116 besök totalt
Anders Jonsson
Här sen Dec 2002
Inlägg: 1529


Tänkte det kunde vara kul om de som var med på plats la in sina rapporter i denna tråd. Eftersom jag själv inte hade äran så inleder jag med ett citat från en god vän. Euan var på plats och hjälpte det delvis svenska teamet med Audi TT:n. Ursäkta utrikiskan men det var ju ett internationellt arrangemang.

Four of us from the UK (amongst many others from elsewhere)
volounteered to help out Ecurie Europe in the pits during the 24 Hours

So we flew over Friday night, arriving at Breidscheid at midnight.
Superb atmosphere all around, with music blaring, fires burning, and
everyone having a good time. Cold but not raining.

Luckily Adrian Elkin had been there all week, so we arranged to meet
him for a chat round the campfire and a beer, before deciding on a
plan of where to put our tents. The campsite was a mud quagmire, and
hence there were a few less happy campers than normal, allowing us to
erect a couple of tents near to Adrian's.

We would have to stay off the beer during the weekend whilst working
in the pits, so we took advantage of Friday night, and sat round the
campfire with a few beers till 4am

We went down to the pits the following day late morning, after waking
up to rain, and Job kindly gave us our official Pitcrew jackets - very
welcome in the cold conditions. Christer had asked us to be available
in the pitbox for 18 out of the 24 hours. So we decided to split into
teams of 2, and rotate shifts.

Race started at 3pm, and it was very exciting during the build up to
the start of the race, so many cars on the grid, so many people,
fantastic! Various last minute running around to make sure car and
driver were as ready as possible. Christer was doing the start and the
first stint.

Weather was very unpredictable at all points of the race, going from
heavy rain downpours, back to dry, through sunshine, to hailstones. So
we were never quite sure what tyres would be needed. Three hours
before the race we took a set of new slick tyres to be cut to
intermediates by our tyre sponsors, so that we had three types of tyre
available for any stop (slick, intermediate,wet). Going back to
collect the intermediate tyres an hour before Christer's first pit
stop was due, I found they hadn't even started them. We agreed they
would be ready in 30 minutes so come back then. Went back and they
still hadn't started to cut them. Panic was setting in as we needed to
put these tyres on the car in the current weather conditions. So we
stood over the tyre man as he slooooowly cut each tyre. Five minutes
till Christer was back in the pits, and he's on the third tyre. Job's
on the phone saying get the f@$?ing tyres here now!!! Stress, stress
No time to balance the tyres, just run as quick as possible through
the crowds with the wheels back to the pit garage, just before
Christer comes back in. Told Job they tyres hadn't been balanced, his
reply - "balancing's for losers!"

After another pitstop, Chris & Paul came up from camp to releive me
and Fred around 6.30pm after our 3 hours or so in the pit. So we
headed down to the Breidscheid campsite for some dinner and some
spectating with JW. We agreed to be back at the pits for 9.30pm to
take over the next rota.

Adrian's friends had built an amazing scaffold platform overlooking
Breidscheid, with two viewing platforms and stereo with race channel
on So it was very enjoyable for an hour to watch the race from
here. After a barbeque, we headed back for our next stint in the pits
- 9.30pm to 3.30am

Was a bit drier during the night, so car was running on slicks which
could last around 6 hours. So pitstops were driver changes, cleaning
windscreen, checking brakes, etc. One stop required bolts on turbo to
be retightened as they had worked loose. Mainly went smoothly.

We had 8 cars in the garage, and around 2am I counted 67 pitcrew in
there, some working frantically, some watching the race live on tv,
some sleeping. It was a good atmosphere, in fact it was a great one,
hell of an experience to be part of. The Manthey Porsche was in the
garage next to us, and Team Schwedenkreuz a couple further down, so
always stuff going on and things to check out during the times you're
waiting for the car to come in.

By 3.30am Fred & I were starting to feel tired, and it was nice to
handover to Chris & Paul who would work through to 9.30am before we
came back. We got back to Breidscheid, and did some night spectating
there before getting into a cold sleeping bag around 4.30am. I set my
mobile phone alarm clock at maximum volume for 8.15am to make sure I
woke up again.

Just before 6am a loud sms woke me up - Chris said he needed some pit
passes that were in my jacket pocket. I felt sooooo tired, would I
really have to get up after just over an hour's sleep to drive back to
the pits? I called Chris - he said leave it for time being - ok. Back
to sleep.

An hour and a bit later, another sms from Chris wakes me again -
"we're out, broken head gasket." oh bollocks! Big shame

Drove upto pits to pick up Chris & Paul, and returned to camp for
breakfast. Whilst disspointed the TT was out, we made the most of the
remaining time by spectating at various points round the track, taking
some videos, etc. Caught the early evening flight back to London.

It was an amazing experience to be part of a team competing in the 24
Hours, you wouldn't beleive how much work goes on behind the scenes
just to get the car there on the starting grid, and to keep it going
through the race. A major mechanical failure was just too much to deal
with to keep the car in the race, but that's just one of those things
that couldn't have been prepared for. So many other cars suffered the
same fate.

Congratulations to Job, Christer, Christian, Stephane, Jeroen, and all
the others for getting the car as far as it did. It was always going
to be a difficult race with only one VLN race available to practice in

To read this morning that Job has resigned as team manager due to
whatever discussions that occurred post race is for me a devastating
and depressing end to this story. He's a very vary talented guy, and
if the decision sticks, it's a great loss.


Med vänliga hälsningar
Anders Jonsson
Göteborg / Bromma
Här sen Mar 2003
Inlägg: 3379

Jo vi var där å det var

Jag och mikael gick l å n g t under lördagen...Brümchen-adenau, Quiddelbacher-höhe-adenau
från campingen under Hatzenbach till Hatzenbach ett antal ggr... Från Tiergarten till depån samma här...
Säkerligen 3mil under lördagen

MEN vilken upplevelse och VILKA kort vi fick!

Folk tittade på oss som om viu var från mars med rengställ ochsydväst samt kamera stativ på axeln och en väska Bit på ryggen...

Skall ge ett stort G R A T T I S till de svenska deltagarna som tog sig i mål efter 24h på banan.
Bästa komentaren kom från Kennhet från Ravila
"De här är ingen racing som vi är vana vid från SLC, detta är fanimej rallycross!"

I söndags morse vid 10-tiden kom det ett väldigt intressant väder, Hagel!
Vi satt i "cylindern" i slutet av målrakan på GP banan och filmade och fotograferade musikalen
"bambi på is" Mycket underhållande!

owe Alsens porche var något jävulskt i att gå.... under mörkret var den bilen den ända som hadde
glödande bak och fram bromsar, samt att han hadde "neon" under motorn bak som synte V Ä L D I G T tydligt...

Slänger upp bilderna i morgon.

Johan Carlsson

Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.5-16 -92
VW Golf mk2 GTi 8v 1985 GrpA
RS 1800
Här sen Feb 2003
Inlägg: 3325

Efter en kortare flygtur från Hahn så är man äntligen hemma i Göteborg

Själv kom vi ner på fredag kväll och slog upp vårat tält i leran nedanför Hatzenbach. Sen var det bara på med underställ, gore-tex ställ, tjocka kängor. Gick upp till Hatzenbach för tidsträningen, den var dock slut vid elva så då gick vi ner till Pistenklause för en bit mat och några öl.

På lördagen tog vi bussen ner till Brünnchen och gick sedan ner längs banan hela vägen till Adenau för att vänta på starten kl 15. Tyvärr stog vi inte så bra där. Tog återigen bussen upp till Quiddelbacher Höhe gick ner till förbi Schwedenkreuz och stannade vid Aremberg, gick sedan längs banan bort till Kallenhard, tog några bilder där sen gick vi tillbaka ner till Adenau och tog bussen upp till GP-banan. Började bli ganska trött i benen nu så vi tog oss tillbaka till campingen och bytte strumpor och gick upp till depåområdet och kikade in i boxarna, precis då Dackewall kom in med volvon med en bruten drivaxel. Pratade lite med Kenneth på Ravila, för att sedan gå ner till Hatzenbach för lite nattaction. Gick ner till tältet vid 3-tiden för då var jag helt slut. Söndagen spenderade vi uppe vid GP-banan, var då ganska trött på leran.

Det var hur som helst en grym helg förutom några störda fulla tyskar som löpte amok på bussen. Men nästa år får det bli hotell. Tältar aldrig mer i den lervällingen.
. Har nu sorterat ut några av dom bättre korten och lägger upp dom under kvällen.

Bilder ligger nu här:


:: Mikael Lindqvist
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 8315

Jovani skrev:
Jag och mikael gick l å n g t under lördagen...Brümchen-adenau, Quiddelbacher-höhe-adenau
från campingen under Hatzenbach till Hatzenbach ett antal ggr... Från Tiergarten till depån samma här...
Säkerligen 3mil under lördagen

Inget nytt under solen då Johan!
Du brukar ju knalla runt hela ringen...

Mvh/Micke Regnell
Här sen Feb 2005
Inlägg: 57

Jovani skrev:

owe Alsens porche var något jävulskt i att gå.... under mörkret var den bilen den ända som hadde
glödande bak och fram bromsar, samt att han hadde "neon" under motorn bak som synte V Ä L D I G T tydligt...

tyckte mathey åkte bättre större delen av loppet. Alzen fick till nått bra varv då och då men annars va alla upp åt 10.15

Gustav Berggren
Göteborg / Bromma
Här sen Mar 2003
Inlägg: 3379

BTG skrev:
Inget nytt under solen då Johan!
Du brukar ju knalla runt hela ringen...

Fast inte på samma dag dock, och inte med fotografering på tanken
Hittade två grymt bra ställen för bilder dock denna gång som jag inte hittade förra gången!
300m nedanför svenskkorset går en liten stig ut efter bana och där är
staketet sönder och man kan få bilder på bilar lättar över ett krön som jag inte sätt förut!
och precis i Arenberg kurvan finns en fin lite glänta med mycket bra sikt.

Johan Carlsson

Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.5-16 -92
VW Golf mk2 GTi 8v 1985 GrpA
Peter Gutniak
Här sen Mar 2003
Inlägg: 364

Nu ligger det en mycket läsvärd race-rapport från 24-timmars, skriven av en av förarna, James Whelan, ute på den engelska delen av vår sajt, www.schwedenkreuz.se.

993 TURBO -96

Här sen Jun 2003
Inlägg: 7

Hej alla, kul att så många från vårt lilla land var nere och kikade. Jag rapporterade under hela veckan och racedygnet på vår website, läs gärna rapporten och kika på bilderna. Det kommer mer.... Kanske nån film också.

/Per, Ravila Motorsport
Ulf Karlsson
Här sen Feb 2004
Inlägg: 35

Jag ber om ursäkt för att min rapport är på engelska.

Last year when I a drove the Porsche GT3 RS for Podium I made no report. Christer Hallgren made one where he described driving in the rain. He stated that it is fun to drive a slow car on intermediate tyres and watching fast cars on slicks. I can state that driving a fast car on slicks in the rain is not so very fun! Demanding, but not fun. When you catch up a slow car that stays in the dry line you must go out in the wet to pass. When you are on slicks and must overtake by braking out the other car before a turn or powering out him anything can happen. The RS have not got the smoothest engine so you must be very quick with the steering wheel. I had some scary moments, such as a sudden rain at the exit of Schwedenkreuz at the braking zone for Aremberg and I was on slicks. A lot of pump breaking, counter steering and going with half the car out in the gravel all the way around the outside of the bend. Some other moments were with braking with wrong brake balance adjustment, I had to make two spins on the GP track to avoid putting the nose in the curbs. Our rim brake down after 22 hours when we hold the 10th overall position was a big disappointment after so much hard work. I drove the car for 9 hours which in total has given me about 25 hours drive in the RS. I feel very privileged for that!

For this year Podium had sold the two RS cars and planned for a start in a GT3 Cup. I was not com-pletely satisfied with that. The aerodynamic on the RS is much better with a bit of down force, a better turn in and it is more stable even if the Cup can be faster on long straights. Two weeks before start the Podium team had to face the fact that they could not find more than two drivers and had to cancel the start. The only drivers were I and Niklas Karlsson who drives in the Carrera Cup Scandinavia and has driven in Swedish Touring Car Championship (STCC). What a disappointment! I had been aiming for this during one year since the last race as I did not race during the autumn 2004.

So what to do? I had already booked hotel rooms and a ferry ticket. I have never been at the 24 h race as a spectator so I decided to try it. My beloved wife Pia, my daughter Cathrin and her husband An-dreas wanted to come with me. Everything was calm for a week before the phone rang, a German driver I know was on the line. He should drive for a Belgium based German team with two GT3 Cup cars which had not got full driver teams. Before I had established contact with the team owner and discussed the details the seats were occupied. I was back to tourist status again.

When I arrived at the track on Thursday morning Job offered me a seat in the Audi TT LPG. I gently claimed my tourist status. The team was despite my impolite manner saying no to them, very friendly to me. They even invited me for lunch at the Pit Stop restaurant! I walked around in the pit area during the rest of the day talking to friends and had a god time. At 20.00 on Thursday evening I felt that it was time for my first beer in three weeks. I walked in to the Padock restaurant and sat down. Just then a German driver I know, Georg Silbermayr phoned me. He should drive for a German BMW team, Tischner Motorsport and they needed a fourth driver. The team finished 9th overall last year and I re-membered them because we had some nice fights during the race. Georg asked me to come to the pit box and discuss the matter with Michael and Matthias Tischner and to have a look at the BMW M3 for the A6 class. I sad yes to their proposal and fetched my license and clothes and scrutinized 30 minutes before closing time. After a roller coaster like week I was in for the race. I phoned my wife who still was at the restaurant and told here that I should race and she was happy for me.

on Friday morning the Eiffel weather showed the same face as last year. I had one lap in the car on the morning and two in the evening. We had electrical problems during training. The ABS system did not work and the car stopped twice, once for me before the Veedol chicane. ABS failure in the rain with a braking system designed for ABS was a scary experience. I went very long and wide after the start and finish straight, with locked wheels which were noticed both on the internal TV and on Internet. Who has designed that chicane? Was it made by some locals after a long night at the Pistenklause? The next scary moment was at the first left hander after T13 when I thought I would end up in the Armco with locked wheels. After a third time in Hatzenbach I decided to slow down and just take the car around the track during two laps. But I just came one lap when the car stopped as mentioned before. A sum-mary of the day was that I have had one decent lap in the car, it felt good but I had a total lack of con-fidence for the brakes. The gear shifting which I was suspicious over before driving the car, turned out to be very good. Michael Tischner had a dry and good lap with working ABS and set the 18th time which made us very happy. The radio system did not work so we had to use a sign on the pit wall.

on Saturday morning we started we an extra drivers meeting for the top 20 teams. I must admit that it was a good feeling. The blue lights they give you for use in the windscreen is very useful when pass-ing other cars. Michael took the first stint in a dreadful rain. He kept his place during the first laps and came in after 10 laps with some promotion. Georg Silbermayr took over the steering wheel and also made some promotion during his stint. He was out on slicks and had to come in some earlier than planned due to rain. I went out and tested the brakes carefully but now they were working. After some laps I had a spin on the bridge in Breidscheid. Not the perfect place for a spin. It happened when I should pass a car on the inside and I sat looking in to the wall at the inside. I managed to counter steer, counter counter steer and lock the brakes so that I slided backwards along the wall instead of banging into it. I kept the engine going, turned the car around and was on again. The laps after there was a warning flag for oil on the place. JW had the nose for being in the right place and captured all with his camera, well done JW! I handed over the car to Matthias Tischner after my 10 laps feeling comfort-able with the car and my drive. We were now about 15th.

After each stint we walked to a room at the Dorint hotel, had a shower, got 30 minutes massage by a specialist, changed to dry clothes and had a rest before next driver came. That was really good! The car where working perfectly all night and it was dry, it was lovely. During my stint between 01.00 and 03.00 in the night I just enjoyed driving. The song from the engine is not as animalish as the GT3 RS but it is enough. The car had a neutral behaviour and was very easy to correct and change lines when passing other cars which were making strange movements. The little lack of power and the higher air resistance was compensated for by the good set up. I came in as 13th and went for the massage and the rest. I took over the car just before 07.00 on Sunday morning and we were 7th overall. We found that great. The two GT3 Cups from the Belgium based Mühlner Motorsport was 8th and 9th. They had been there after us for a while. Michael Tischner decided that we should increase the speed a little just to build up a small margin to them. I went out on slicks and it was still dry. I was really focused on the task, carefully calculating the speed and line before every single bend in advance. I managed to raise the speed, brake late and balance the car on a small drift. I started with a 10.00 lap followed by a 9.55 which made me feel that it was more time to gain. But then I noticed small rain drops on the wind screen after Flugplatz. It went a little bit slippery on half the track and I reduced the speed a little to 10.08 to 10.20 laps. The Falken Nissan did not and had a crash after Metzgesfeld. The Land Porsche GT3 RSR stood after Pflantzgarten and a lot of cars in other places. We were up in fifth place overall!

The laps went on without problems except for yellow flags until the beginning of my ninth lap when a clattering noice occurred on the GP track just after the short cut, not used this year. Oh no I thought, is it a con rod bearing? I stopped the car at the first flag post and phoned the pit. The crew had already seen me on TV and was on their way on a motor bike. They arrived very soon and had a small check and sent me in with the car to the box. In the box they found a small crack in the rear end of the cylin-der head. It was a crack in a welded washer and the exhausts from the sixth cylinder went out there. The team had never heard of the fault before. The crack had to be welded and there was so narrow space and no room to make the welding. We had to abandon the race, what a disappointment!

As a summary I can say that it was a very nice car to drive. It was well prepared and I felt comfortable in the team. It was a great feeling that we had such a really good speed and that we had made a lot of our promotion because of our own speed.

I am glad for Johan Nimmersjö who made it to the end after so much trouble in earlier races. I am also glad for the Swedish team Morin/Levin who finished on a fantastic 8th overall in their first try.

I hope you all enjoyed the race, both live on place at the track and on Internet.

Best regards,
Ulf Karlsson

Ulf Karlsson
Här sen Jan 2003
Inlägg: 370

Underbar story Ulf - TACK!!!

(nästa år hoppas jag att du får lite bättre material att köra med...oj, nu får jag ducka snart!)

Mårten Olsson
PCS 7003
Lennart Jarmyr
Här sen Dec 2002
Inlägg: 4078

Tack för en trevlig läsning, verkligen intressant att läsa.

Lennart Jarmyr!
RS Patrik
Här sen Mar 2004
Inlägg: 793

Härligt Ulf!


Patrik Ljunggren
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 2993

Tack Ulf, för en mycket intressant läsning! thumbs up
Det är mycket kul att höra rapporter som denna, från en som verkligen varit med.
Synd att inte bilen höll ända in i mål.
Det hade kunnat bli en riktigt bra placering annars!

Bättre lycka nästa år!

Peeter Pahv
Ringenfantast, som numer leker med en Mini JCW -08.
Erik B
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 5158


Erik B
Såld: Megane RS Cup 250
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 8696

Morty skrev:
Underbar story Ulf - TACK!!!

(nästa år hoppas jag att du får lite bättre material att köra med...oj, nu får jag ducka snart!)

Instämmer med alla andra, härlig läsning, Ulf! thumbs up

///Mvh Sören Hall (fd Kristensson)

"Raksträckor är bara en transport till nästa kurva"
Måns Ulveståhl
Här sen Jul 2004
Inlägg: 5538

Buskul att få nöjet att läsa Ulfs rapport, men ursäkta en gröngöling:
Varför är det brist på förare ?
Jag trodde in min enfald att förare stod i kö för att få köra.

BMW MC-klubben
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 8696

Hobbe skrev:
Buskul att få nöjet att läsa Ulfs rapport, men ursäkta en gröngöling:
Varför är det brist på förare ?
Jag trodde in min enfald att förare stod i kö för att få köra.

Jag skulle också stå i kö om jag hade pengar...

Men en viss dokumenterad skicklighet skadar väl inte heller...

///Mvh Sören Hall (fd Kristensson)

"Raksträckor är bara en transport till nästa kurva"
24-timmars 2005 - rapporter från dem som var där
6116 besök totalt
Tack till alla våra trogna sponsorer som stöttar och håller Rejsa rullande